Promoting Polish Success
Exploring how to build future success on past and present experience
The "Polish Success - Achievements and Prospects" program of the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation, involving a number of authorities in Polish economic, social and political life, as well as science, sports, culture and art is intended to support the creation and promotion of "Polish success" - through the promotion of Polish achievements, and in particular, the successes of the Polish economy - both domestically and abroad.
The program is designed to show that success is not only needed but also possible - that it is becoming a reality. The program is supposed to trigger energy for change. An important aspect of the Program is to create opportunities for cooperation of different environments for the dynamic and sustainable development of Poland.
The program is implemented in various forms of public debate on the sources, conditions and prospects for success in many aspects of Polish reality. Events included in the Program serve also as an instrument to assess the Polish road of development, through which we can find the answer to questions about the scale, significance and different faces of Polish success. Success understood not only as overcoming one’s backwardness, but also as building a strong position in the world. The purpose of the debate on the Polish road to success is identifying the so-called good practices which may be helpful in the further development of business, regions and organizations operating in our country.
The role of the Program is also to get actively involved in the debate and work on promoting the Polish economy and the broadly-defined Polish national marketing, including the exploration of utilizing the promotional potential of the Polish community abroad. The program promotes the Polish national brand, and contributes to creating a positive image of the country.